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Learning from and with horses

Horses are interesting beings, they have among their species a social system with clear ranking, are faithful and reliable companions and want to be leaded. They use their (immense) power against others only if they defend themselves or for demonstration of power as reaction to uncertainty of their oposite. Did you already notice something? We humans and horses have plenty in common… This article shall give some examples what we can learn out of the dealing with horses.

While riding, especially in case it is leading through rougher terrain, it is essential that horse and rider get a union despite different physical condition and non-verbal communication (mainly via seat and leg), where each one can rely on the other without condition. In cooperation of a team exactly this is needed, whereas not health of horse and rider are at risk but mostly economic themes.

The central point is communication. In case a horse is getting no clear advice, what the rider is expecting from it, I does either nothing or what it likes to do in that particular moment or it does what other horses around are doing. Who made it, with the special communication for riding, to tell his horse clear and definite, what it has to do, has already learnt a lot. For the handling of other people we learn out of htat, constantly to keep in mind, to use that communication that the other understands and to observe if the message reached its goal.

Riding SA Pobla (fig branch)

Another point is handling of misbehaviour, if the horse ignores a directive of the rider without any reason. In this case there must be an immediate consequence. In case the consequence follows later the relation to the misbehaviour is missing. In the cooperation with other people this is also the best approach, any upcoming problem is solved when it appears.

Do you notice something in the picture above? The riding crop is missing, but there is a small branch of a fig tree. By that it shall be demonstrated that creativity is also needed. In case the perfect tool is currently not at hand there exists for sure an alternative…

Foto 09.09.18, 10 40 34 (1)

Horses constantly care for themselves and for the rider. From that also misbehaviour can result, that it e.g. in a Terrain with uncertain Underground, no matter what the rides wants, moves not faster than step. In case it is not an over-cautious reaction but a prudently decision of the horse, it is not to classified as a misbehaviour. In this case the rider should praise the horse. Analog situations exist also with other people, important is to find out that the case is and react appropriately.

It is wonderful to see it at others and also to experience it yourself when the interaction between horse and rider gets into a flow. Who has learnt and experienced that, has learnt a lot also for work and handing of other people!