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The new working world

It started already some time ago, the latest months only accelerated it. Our working world is changing. Many things that had to be done on paper are currently processed only electronically. We meet each other more often virtual, in chats, telephone or video conferences or social networks…


Who had dealt with all those technologies already before, had at least at this point less troubles during the latest time. All those were well prepared, unless nobody had planned all that what happened. For those who did not have it before it was also more common no trouble, as the required hardware and software is meanwhile that easy to use that you need not be an expert in order to set it up on your own. You got together for a meeting not in the meeting room but on the computer, corridor conversations were taking place in chats.

Now as everything slowly comes back to normal, many things are familiar but also different. There are many organisations where employees are in alternating shifts. In offices where 4 employees were sitting before there are very often only 2. Several companies, but also employees, found out that it has been worked more efficiently in home office than in the office and decided therfore, that home office in being continued longer than required, at least for few months.

Of course the question arises how our working world will look like permanently. I am sure it will not be an extreme. There will be no full return into the working world we had. But it will also not be a completely new world. What many, maybe even all, have learnt, that regionality is very important. More important is mindfulness, a good valuation of the customer and the flexibiliy, to recognize changed situations not only quick, but also being able to deal with them. And home office will stay part of our working world, even there where it was lately not imaginable.